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Air-Roasted Coffee - Is it the best choice for you?

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The age-old debate “Is coffee healthy for you” may never truly be settled, but we think we can at least answer the question in regard to air-roasted coffee. 

If you aren't familiar with “Fluid Bed Air Roasted Coffee” this is a roasting process that differs from the more commonly used “Drum Roasting” method. The process of air-roasting coffee is very similar to air-popped popcorn in that there is a constant flow of hot air to roast the coffee beans. This is helpful in not only producing a more consistent roast but may also be a healthier option for you and the environment.

Now that you know the basics of fluid bed air-roasted coffee, let’s get to the bottom of it.

Air-Roasted Coffee May be Healthier for You:

  • Lower Acidity: Air roasting results in lower acidity levels in coffee compared to traditional roasting methods, which can be beneficial for people with acid reflux or other digestive issues
  • Cleaner Roast: With the air roast method there is less chaff left behind from the coffee, so not only do you get a better-tasting coffee, but it is cleaner. This leaves your coffee with fewer carcinogens than traditional drum-roasted coffee. 

If you are looking for a coffee that leaves your stomach feeling a little less agitated and cleaner beans, then opting for an air-roasted coffee may be your best bet. 

While air-roasted coffee is a little healthier for you, it is even healthier for the environment. Check out these three ways that air-roasting coffee is environmentally friendly:

  1. Sustainable: A Fluid Bed Air Roaster is a much more sustainable option when it comes to coffee roasting. Unlike its counterpart, they are fueled by electricity as opposed to gas. This means energy savings, and fewer toxins and pollutants being emitted into the air. 
  2. Processing Time: In addition to air roasters running in a much more eco-friendly manner, they also produce a batch of coffee in half the time of a drum roaster. Therefore adding to energy conservation.
  3. Less Waste: The process used in fluid bed air roasters is notorious for creating a more consistent batch of coffee than drum roasters. This means there is less chance of a “bad batch” just going to waste. 

The above-mentioned factors of air-roasted coffee were enough for us to commit to providing a superior roast for our customers by strictly roasting with a fluid bed air roaster. We hope that you now also have a better understanding of how air-roasted coffee may impact you and our environment. If you have any questions about the Rowdy Beans roasting process or if you need a little help finding your perfect blend, let us know! We can’t wait to help you find your favorite healthy coffee roast!

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