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Do you know your coffee berry?

air roasted coffee Arabica Coffee coffee coffee beans coffee berry coffee roasters coffee roasts green coffee beans Robusta Coffee Wet Hulled Coffee

Maybe you are a coffee zealot and enthusiast, but do you know what kind of coffee you are actually drinking? Did you know that coffee is more than whole bean coffee, ground coffee, light roast, medium roast, and dark roast? That is right folks, your coffee beans may be Arabica, Robusta, and even wet-hulled. But what does this all mean?

Let’s start with the simple: Robusta Beans

Robust coffee beans come directly from a Coffea Canephora plant, which happens to be one of the most commonly grown coffee berries in the world - with the other being Coffea Arabica. The Coffea Canephora plant eventually gained the name Robusta due to being the more “robust” coffee plant. 

This coffee bean once picked, washed, and roasted tends to be a lower acidity coffee with a heavy body. Although this bean is not the most popular of the bunch, when paired appropriately it can give you a nice kick of caffeine with a bold flavor! 


Arabica beans are one of the most heard of and most common beans out there. These beans originate from subtropical areas such as South America, Central America, Africa, and even Asia. With higher altitudes and constant rainfall these areas actually get two harvesting seasons. These popular beans tend to have less caffeine, but a sweeter and smoother flavor than most. 

Wet What?!

Coffee that is wet hulled is one of the less common coffees that you will find on the market shelves. Although it is not a type of bean like Arabica and Robusta, it is a very unique process that helps to create a lovely coffee drinking experience. Originating from Indonesia where there is a very particular climate for coffee farmers, these coffee berries are forced to go through a unique process that creates a very popular drink. 

The berries are hand-picked, skins removed, fermented overnight, and then dried for only a few hours - which is where the differentiation comes into play. The drying process is a fraction of what other berries are dried for, at only a few days compared to weeks. This factor creates a moisture rich bean that boasts of a rich earthy and sweet flavor. 

The Choice Is Yours

Although some coffee varieties and processes are considered to be better than others, the end decision is left to the coffee consumer. Whether you prefer a bolder coffee, higher caffeine content, or a smoother drink, there is a bean for you. If you are feeling really adventurous you may even find that blends of various beans will create the custom coffee, you have been dreaming of. If you need help finding your perfect blend, get in contact with our coffee roaster today and we will find your perfect match.

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