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5 Reasons to Start Your Day With a Cup of Coffee!

Whether you are a night owl or an early bird chances are you have your own special way of waking up and getting the day off to a good start. While most people prefer a hot aromatic cup of coffee in the morning, there are those that opt for a cup of tea or a chemical packed energy drink. We however stand by “a cup of coffee a day keeps the doctor away” (or something like that).

Some may choose to stay away from caffeinated beverages altogether due to

 health concerns such as insomnia and increased heart rate. However, like most things in life with moderation and responsibility there are benefits to including a cup of coffee in your daily routine. 


Believe it or not, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, a cup of coffee (or two) a day may actually be beneficial in preventing/avoiding heart issues. In fact, coffee is loaded with antioxidants which may actually help to protect cells (throughout your body) from damage.


Did you know that besides the obvious benefits (increased focus and alertness), coffee can also help with other mental health aspects? For example, it has been shown that caffeine may help to improve overall mood and limit depression (in moderation). Additionally, studies have shown that the caffeine that two cups of coffee provide may help to protect against developing Alzheimer’s disease. 


Research has actually shown that coffee can have a protective effect on your liver. Those who drink coffee regularly are more likely to have enzyme levels within a healthy range over those who do not regularly consume coffee. 


No, this does not mean that your children will favor you more than your partner. However, dark roast coffee lovers can take comfort in knowing that darker roasts actually can help to decrease breakage in DNA strands. This can help to prevent cancer or tumors which can occur if the DNA strands are not repaired by the cells in your body. 


Coffee is actually chalk full of antioxidants, even more so than its counterparts (tea and cocoa). Studies have even shown that unprocessed coffee beans contain over 1,000 antioxidants, and that roasting them actually increases that number by hundreds. 

While these health benefits of coffee are all fairly enticing, this is not to say you should drink a coffee that has been vamped up with fatty creamers and sugar filled syrups every day, You should also consider HOW much coffee you are taking in on a regular basis and when. Just like everything else in life, it is meant to be enjoyed with responsibility. If you have any questions about finding the right roast for you, whether it is light, dark, organic, fair trade, or even decaffeinated coffee, get in touch with our roast experts today! 

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