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Rowdy Beans Blog — coffee

Air-Roasted Coffee - Is it the best choice for you?

air roasted air roasted coffee air roaster Arabica Coffee beans coffee coffee at home coffee beans coffee berry coffee health coffee roasters coffee roasts green coffee beans

Air-Roasted Coffee - Is it the best choice for you?

The age-old debate “Is coffee healthy for you” may never truly be settled, but we think we can at least answer the question in regard to air-roasted coffee.  If you aren't familiar with “Fluid Bed Air Roasted Coffee” this is a roasting process that differs from the more commonly used “Drum Roasting” method. The process of air-roasting coffee is very similar to air-popped popcorn in that there is a constant flow of hot air to roast the coffee beans. This is helpful in not only producing a more consistent roast but may also be a healthier option for you and...

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How to Buy Coffee and Save Money

air roasted coffee beans budgeting coffee coffee at home coffee beans coffee budget coffee recipes coffee roasters coffee roasts coffee swings diy coffee green coffee beans home barista save money on coffee

How to Buy Coffee and Save Money

There are a few things in life we just do not want to sacrifice - no matter what. Whether your vice is a good glass of wine, a gym membership, or - our personal favorite - coffee; sometimes these things are a “must-have” when it comes to budgeting and priorities. It may sound silly to call coffee or the gym a “priority”, but as busy human beings, it is fair to say we all need a little something to get by. When it comes to planning your budget, we can’t fix it all for you, but we can tell you...

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Do you know your coffee berry?

air roasted coffee Arabica Coffee coffee coffee beans coffee berry coffee roasters coffee roasts green coffee beans Robusta Coffee Wet Hulled Coffee

Do you know your coffee berry?

Maybe you are a coffee zealot and enthusiast, but do you know what kind of coffee you are actually drinking? Did you know that coffee is more than whole bean coffee, ground coffee, light roast, medium roast, and dark roast? That is right folks, your coffee beans may be Arabica, Robusta, and even wet-hulled. But what does this all mean? Let’s start with the simple: Robusta Beans Robust coffee beans come directly from a Coffea Canephora plant, which happens to be one of the most commonly grown coffee berries in the world - with the other being Coffea Arabica. The...

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Coffee Brewing Mistakes to Avoid at Home

beans coffee coffee beans coffee roasts coffee storage dark roast home barista light roast medium roast roasts

Coffee Brewing Mistakes to Avoid at Home

People like to say that food always tastes better when someone else makes it.  While many of us can agree upon this; we are curious - what about coffee? Shouldn’t coffee taste good no matter where you drink it? Sadly this is not always the case, sometimes your home brewed coffee cannot compare to the coffee poured by the barista at your local cafe. You may even be wondering if they have a super secret barista trick to brewing, pouring, or stirring your coffee.  We are here to tell you there truly are no secret barista tricks and trade secrets...

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Coffee & Shoes – What’s Your Brew?

beans coffee coffee and shoes coffee beans coffee roasts dark roast light roast medium roast roasts shoes

Coffee & Shoes – What’s Your Brew?

We all have that one pair of shoes, that one pair that no matter what, where or when, they are  our go to favorite pair. Maybe you don’t wear them every day, maybe you try other pairs, but  no matter what you always go back to those trusty kicks. Whatever the purpose of your shoes,  you rely on them to carry you through your day, and sometimes even express your personality!  Coffee is no different from finding the perfect pair of shoes.   Deciding what roast is right for you, your lifestyle, and even your personality is like a science.  Are...

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