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How to Buy Coffee and Save Money

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There are a few things in life we just do not want to sacrifice - no matter what. Whether your vice is a good glass of wine, a gym membership, or - our personal favorite - coffee; sometimes these things are a “must-have” when it comes to budgeting and priorities.

It may sound silly to call coffee or the gym a “priority”, but as busy human beings, it is fair to say we all need a little something to get by. When it comes to planning your budget, we can’t fix it all for you, but we can tell you how to save a little on your favorite coffee drinks! 

Benefits of Budgeting your Coffee:

  1. You will be able to get a better understanding of just how much you are spending on coffee 
  2. You may be able to save money by changing your coffee consumption habits and routines
  3. It might even save you a few calories along with your dollars when you cut out the store-bought coffee drinks!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to starting your morning out on the right side of the bed:

Set a Budget:

  • When setting a budget, the first step is to evaluate what your current and past spending have been. Take a moment to look over how much you have spent on coffee (drinks and beans) in the past month, or even a couple of months. 
  • Once you have analyzed your spending, you may be able to figure out areas that you could cut back on. For example, if you are a specialty coffee drinker, you may want to limit those purchases or find affordable substitutes.

Make a Plan:

  • After you have tackled your budget and spending, you can outline just how much you can spend on coffee each day, week, or month. 
  • If you have to make adjustments to your spending, you may be able to find fun and affordable substitutes like DIY coffee recipes and tips!
  • When you buy from a local roaster like Rowdy Beans, you will be able to find freshly roasted specialty coffee beans for a steal of a price. One 12 oz. bag of coffee (which will provide roughly 30 cups of coffee) will be pennies compared to spending the average of $3.50 per specialty coffee drink
  • Join a “subscribe & save” program to have your coffee beans sent to you on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. 
  • The most important part of any budget is that you stick to your plan! Make a spreadsheet, download an app, or set a reminder. 

Get to Work on your Coffee Savings:

  • You may need to stock up on your favorite beans, syrups, creamers, or even a travel mug. Making the investment in certain materials may be helpful in meeting your long-term budgeting goals without sacrificing your favorite flavors.
  • Do some research, and maybe talk to your local roaster to find the perfect roast for your needs. 
  • Have fun - this is the best time to experiment and try new coffee recipes!

As we have said, we certainly can’t fix all your budgeting issues, but we can recommend great coffee beans to fit your budget. Whether you are looking for the best roast for your drip, single cup, or espresso machine, we have the coffee beans to meet your needs! 

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