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BARISTA AT HOME ~ TLC Tender Love & Coffee

coffee coffee recipes home barista roasts


Do you ever have those days that just calls for a latte or a nice iced mocha? You know, those days that you are working at home and it's chilly outside so a fun cup of coffee seems like the perfect treat? What about when you crave that, but do not want to venture out of the neighborhood, or maybe you don’t want to partake in such a high calorie beverage. Well, that might be the perfect time to be your own barista! 

There are recipes for everything under the sun, and coffee definitely falls under the sun. We want to share a few fun (and tasty) recipes that we really enjoy!

Cinnamon Honey Latte (at home!!)

Would you believe that you can make this at home without all of the fancy barista equipment?! All you need is a good coffee brew (we would suggest our Espresso roast for this particular drink), milk, honey, cinnamon, a whisk, and a microwave safe glass or bowl! 

After you have brewed a nice strong pot of coffee, you will want to get your milk ready. You can use any kind of milk, but one of our favorites is oat milk (especially for a non dairy alternative). Once you have decided what kind of milk you will be using, you can either use your stove top and a sauce pan, or the microwave (to save time and mess), but we recommend the sauce pan. 

Bring your milk of choice to a slow rolling boil and add your honey and a dash of cinnamon! Usually a tablespoon of honey will give it a mild sweetness and the cinnamon adds a nice subtle spice to it. After all of your ingredients are mixed use your whisk to froth it up a bit, and then pour as much as you want with your coffee. To top this drink off, add a dash of cinnamon on top of your frothed milk and it is time to enjoy your homemade (low cal) cinnamon honey latte! 

Frosty Blueberry Muffin

This chilly beverage happens to be a Rowdy favorite! If you are feeling something thick, cool and creamy with a little caffeine for those summer days, this might be your cup of tea (or rather coffee). 

For this drink you will need a blender, frozen blueberries, a little bit of ice, vanilla extract, coffee (we recommend Rowdy PNG or Zambia Estates), milk or cream, and a sweetener of your choice! First you will want to make sure that your coffee is brewed and ready to go. You can choose to let it cool down in the refrigerator or freezer if you prefer, but you do not have to. While this recipe is pretty simple, it does allow for some creative licensing if you choose. As with any blended beverage, all you really need to do is throw your ingredients in and hit a button. However, with this drink in particular, the level of thickness will depend on how much ice and frozen blueberries you add. 

We recommend taking it a little lighter on the blueberries so that it does not overpower the beverage, a splash of vanilla, a cup or two of coffee, and a few ice cubes should do the trick. It may also be beneficial to get creative with the cream part of this drink, for a creamier slush you may want to opt for half and half or heavy whipping cream. However, if you are watching calories oat milk or other non dairy products offer coffee creamers. Lastly, you will want to think about just HOW sweet you can get; you can use sugar, sugar alternatives, honey, and even maple syrup. 

These are just a few simple DIY Rowdy favorites. Next time you are in the mood for a fun coffee, save yourself the time and trip and get creative in your own kitchen. If you have any questions about these drinks or about what coffee will pair best, give us a call, our Rowdy Beans experts will be happy to help.

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