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Coffee & Shoes – What’s Your Brew?

beans coffee coffee and shoes coffee beans coffee roasts dark roast light roast medium roast roasts shoes

We all have that one pair of shoes, that one pair that no matter what, where or when, they are  our go to favorite pair. Maybe you don’t wear them every day, maybe you try other pairs, but  no matter what you always go back to those trusty kicks. Whatever the purpose of your shoes,  you rely on them to carry you through your day, and sometimes even express your personality!  Coffee is no different from finding the perfect pair of shoes.  

Deciding what roast is right for you, your lifestyle, and even your personality is like a science.  Are you someone who prefers a bold rich flavor? Maybe you are someone who is just looking  for a nice little boost for your day. Either way, no matter what you are seeking, chances are  there is the perfect roast with your name on it!  

Dark Roast Lovers- A dark roast will be the perfect brew for someone who wants a full-bodied coffee experience. There is however a common misconception that the darker the roast, the  higher the caffeine content. Surprisingly enough, a darker roast may have a bolder flavor, but  less caffeine kick.  

Medium Roast – This will be the perfect middle of the road choice for someone who wants to  wake up on the right side of the bed. It is a great way to keep that strong coffee flavor, without  sacrificing your daily dose of caffeine.  

Light Roast – A lighter roast will be great for someone who wants the biggest punch of caffeine  that they can get from a simple coffee. It may not be cowboy coffee, but it will still provide a  nice smooth flavor (with the extra caffeine) to start your morning!  

Next time you go to buy the coffee that will get you through your week, think about what your  roast is! When you find that perfect roast just for you, it’ll be the drink you can look forward to,  rely on, and trust to keep you going throughout the day! If you are not sure yet of what the  right roast or bean is for you, just ask our Rowdy bunch coffee experts, and we will help you 

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